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"No Tech" Time Out for Change.

No Tech Time Out.

In an ever changing environment with the development of new technology everyday, it is difficult to not be concerned about how it affects your child. Over the last five years social media has become an integral part of teenager’s life. Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are a crucial form of modern culture and communication. Although there are many benefits to social media, excessive usage may have damaging effects on one’s mental health.

One of the most common effects is low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. This can be felt at any stage in your life but is most damaging in one’s youth. On social media people usually present the best most glorified versions of themselves. Although this presentation is not truthful, children and teenagers will still compare their own lives to those online, leading to the belief that they are uninteresting and boring. Continually feeling this way can eventually lead to anxiety and depression, which will affect all aspects of their lives.

While it isn’t feasible to completely cut out social media, there are steps that can minimize the negative effects.


The world is changing and as caregivers, parents want to keep up with every trend the could potentially hurt your child. And completely removing technology is not the solution, being aware, actively listening to your child and cutting some “no tech” time out, are great ways to start living a better mentally healthier lifestyle for both parent and child. 



AAP recommendations

Adriane Kong Staff writer

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